Leaderboard Tutorials
Invite the Discord Bot
To get started with Team Up Bot, you'll need to invite it to your Discord server. You can do this by visiting the official Discord App Store and clicking the "Add App" button on the top right corner of the page.
The bot requires the following permissions to function properly. If you don't want to give the bot all the permissions, you can give it the minimum permissions required to function.
Creating a headless queue
To create a headless queue, you'll need to use the /headless_matchmaking_channel command. This command will create a message with two buttons, a join button and leave button. Players can join the queue by clicking the join button and leave the queue by clicking the leave button. Once enough players have joined the queue, the bot will match players together and create a lobby.
Headless 1v1 queue
Headless 2v2 queue
Headless 1v1 queue with voice channels
Headless 1v1 queue with elo rating limit
Hosting a match
To host a match, you'll need to use the /host command. This command will create a message with two buttons, a join button and leave button. Once enough players have joined the match, the bot will create a lobby and notify the players to join the lobby.