
Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5


Match History

  1. 1st Gendbend 1530 ↗ 1545 +15
    2nd Karti 1500 ↘ 1485 -15
  2. 1st Gendbend 1515 ↗ 1530 +15
    2nd Calvin 1500 ↘ 1485 -15
  3. 1st Gendbend 1499 ↗ 1515 +16
    2nd R33VS 1501 ↘ 1485 -16
  4. 1st R33VS 1484 ↗ 1501 +17
    2nd Gendbend 1516 ↘ 1499 -17
  5. 1st Gendbend 1500 ↗ 1516 +16
    2nd R33VS 1500 ↘ 1484 -16

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