Midnight Dota 2 Lobbies
Midnight Dota 2 Lobbies
Match History
- 1st Alcromido 1200 ↗ 1216 +161st adk 1134 ↗ 1152 +181st Dante69K 1200 ↗ 1216 +161st Mage Slayer 1072 ↗ 1093 +211st alferno 1205 ↗ 1220 +152nd plutoski 1202 ↘ 1184 -182nd epizeuxius 1305 ↘ 1283 -222nd Kakashi 1200 ↘ 1182 -182nd Swiggy 1126 ↘ 1112 -142nd ButtersStotch 1119 ↘ 1105 -14
- 1st kaboom3488 1236 ↗ 1251 +151st rushi.dd1 1072 ↗ 1094 +221st DEMON :D 1089 ↗ 1110 +211st Zylo 1230 ↗ 1245 +151st The New Shubzz is sooo cool 1244 ↗ 1259 +152nd adk 1149 ↘ 1134 -152nd epizeuxius 1327 ↘ 1305 -222nd Swiggy 1140 ↘ 1126 -142nd ButtersStotch 1133 ↘ 1119 -142nd inderjeetmusic 1303 ↘ 1282 -21
- 1st Swiftblad3 1185 ↗ 1202 +171st epizeuxius 1316 ↗ 1327 +111st (L)AW 1246 ↗ 1260 +141st Badmaash 1206 ↗ 1222 +161st inderjeetmusic 1291 ↗ 1303 +122nd plutoski 1217 ↘ 1202 -152nd hAz3 1187 ↘ 1174 -132nd Jinx 1292 ↘ 1274 -182nd Spriggan 1171 ↘ 1158 -132nd Swiggy 1152 ↘ 1140 -12
- 1st epizeuxius 1304 ↗ 1316 +121st Jinx 1279 ↗ 1292 +131st (L)AW 1231 ↗ 1246 +151st Postmodernist 1260 ↗ 1274 +141st Badmaash 1189 ↗ 1206 +172nd WhiteLicorice 1236 ↘ 1221 -152nd plutoski 1232 ↘ 1217 -152nd IML 1121 ↘ 1111 -102nd Spriggan 1184 ↘ 1171 -132nd inderjeetmusic 1310 ↘ 1291 -19
- 1st WhiteLicorice 1220 ↗ 1236 +161st Jinx 1265 ↗ 1279 +141st Fr3w / PÒLICIÅ 1220 ↗ 1236 +161st inderjeetmusic 1297 ↗ 1310 +131st The New Shubzz is sooo cool 1228 ↗ 1244 +162nd IML 1132 ↘ 1121 -112nd MiyaMC 1243 ↘ 1227 -162nd adk 1161 ↘ 1149 -122nd epizeuxius 1323 ↘ 1304 -192nd (L)AW 1247 ↘ 1231 -16
- 1st epizeuxius 1312 ↗ 1323 +111st kaboom3488 1221 ↗ 1236 +151st Fr3w / PÒLICIÅ 1204 ↗ 1220 +161st Swiggy 1133 ↗ 1152 +191st The New Shubzz is sooo cool 1213 ↗ 1228 +152nd plutoski 1250 ↘ 1232 -182nd (L)AW 1265 ↘ 1247 -182nd DEMON :D 1100 ↘ 1089 -112nd Badmaash 1204 ↘ 1189 -152nd SOUL 1186 ↘ 1171 -15
- 1st plutoski 1236 ↗ 1250 +141st MiyaMC 1228 ↗ 1243 +151st epizeuxius 1300 ↗ 1312 +121st Jinx 1251 ↗ 1265 +141st (L)AW 1251 ↗ 1265 +142nd Shiny 1202 ↘ 1188 -142nd ParadoX 1217 ↘ 1203 -142nd DEMON :D 1110 ↘ 1100 -102nd Swiggy 1144 ↘ 1133 -112nd inderjeetmusic 1316 ↘ 1297 -19
- 1st ToraoGuy 1155 ↗ 1172 +171st MiyaMC 1213 ↗ 1228 +151st epizeuxius 1288 ↗ 1300 +121st eerie 1216 ↗ 1231 +151st (L)AW 1237 ↗ 1251 +142nd plutoski 1253 ↘ 1236 -172nd adk 1175 ↘ 1161 -142nd ParadoX 1234 ↘ 1217 -172nd DEMON :D 1122 ↘ 1110 -122nd Swiggy 1157 ↘ 1144 -13
- 1st Shockwave 1172 ↗ 1190 +181st Swiggy 1137 ↗ 1157 +201st alferno 1187 ↗ 1205 +181st Seeker 1236 ↗ 1251 +151st inderjeetmusic 1303 ↗ 1316 +132nd hAz3 1203 ↘ 1187 -162nd adk 1190 ↘ 1175 -152nd SnG 1172 ↘ 1158 -142nd (L)AW 1255 ↘ 1237 -182nd OneTallMan 1305 ↘ 1285 -20
- 1st hAz3 1188 ↗ 1203 +151st adk 1174 ↗ 1190 +161st alferno 1171 ↗ 1187 +161st Seeker 1222 ↗ 1236 +141st inderjeetmusic 1292 ↗ 1303 +112nd epizeuxius 1308 ↘ 1288 -202nd SnG 1187 ↘ 1172 -152nd Mage Slayer 1082 ↘ 1072 -102nd DEMON :D 1135 ↘ 1122 -132nd Swiggy 1150 ↘ 1137 -13
- 1st WhiteLicorice 1204 ↗ 1220 +161st (L)AW 1241 ↗ 1255 +141st ParadoX 1219 ↗ 1234 +151st DEMON :D 1115 ↗ 1135 +201st inderjeetmusic 1279 ↗ 1292 +132nd IML 1145 ↘ 1132 -132nd adk 1189 ↘ 1174 -152nd epizeuxius 1329 ↘ 1308 -212nd SnG 1203 ↘ 1187 -162nd Swiggy 1164 ↘ 1150 -14
- 1st Shockwave 1154 ↗ 1172 +181st Jinx 1237 ↗ 1251 +141st eerie 1200 ↗ 1216 +161st ParadoX 1203 ↗ 1219 +161st inderjeetmusic 1266 ↗ 1279 +132nd IML 1159 ↘ 1145 -142nd (L)AW 1259 ↘ 1241 -182nd Swiggy 1178 ↘ 1164 -142nd Badmaash 1220 ↘ 1204 -162nd ButtersStotch 1146 ↘ 1133 -13
- 1st WhiteLicorice 1187 ↗ 1204 +171st Linus 1201 ↗ 1217 +161st Swiggy 1160 ↗ 1178 +181st Badmaash 1204 ↗ 1220 +161st inderjeetmusic 1252 ↗ 1266 +142nd adk 1205 ↘ 1189 -162nd Shockwave 1169 ↘ 1154 -152nd (L)AW 1279 ↘ 1259 -202nd ParadoX 1220 ↘ 1203 -172nd DEMON :D 1128 ↘ 1115 -13
- 1st plutoski 1239 ↗ 1253 +141st eerie 1183 ↗ 1200 +171st SnG 1186 ↗ 1203 +171st Swiggy 1141 ↗ 1160 +191st alferno 1153 ↗ 1171 +182nd MiyaMC 1231 ↘ 1213 -182nd Shiny 1220 ↘ 1202 -182nd adk 1223 ↘ 1205 -182nd RagnaR 1230 ↘ 1212 -182nd Mage Slayer 1094 ↘ 1082 -12
- 1st IML 1140 ↗ 1159 +191st MiyaMC 1215 ↗ 1231 +161st adk 1207 ↗ 1223 +161st (L)AW 1265 ↗ 1279 +141st Mage Slayer 1072 ↗ 1094 +222nd Stroker Singh 1182 ↘ 1166 -162nd plutoski 1258 ↘ 1239 -192nd RagnaR 1249 ↘ 1230 -192nd eerie 1200 ↘ 1183 -172nd alferno 1168 ↘ 1153 -15
- 1st epizeuxius 1318 ↗ 1329 +111st ParadoX 1204 ↗ 1220 +161st Swiggy 1121 ↗ 1141 +201st inderjeetmusic 1237 ↗ 1252 +151st Meathook 1200 ↗ 1216 +162nd Swiftblad3 1200 ↘ 1185 -152nd kaboom3488 1238 ↘ 1221 -172nd Arolen 1216 ↘ 1200 -162nd Fr3w / PÒLICIÅ 1220 ↘ 1204 -162nd ButtersStotch 1160 ↘ 1146 -14
- 1st Stroker Singh 1166 ↗ 1182 +161st plutoski 1245 ↗ 1258 +131st MiyaMC 1200 ↗ 1215 +151st RagnaR 1236 ↗ 1249 +131st Jinx 1223 ↗ 1237 +142nd IML 1153 ↘ 1140 -132nd adk 1223 ↘ 1207 -162nd (L)AW 1284 ↘ 1265 -192nd Mage Slayer 1082 ↘ 1072 -102nd DEMON :D 1141 ↘ 1128 -13
- 1st adk 1207 ↗ 1223 +161st epizeuxius 1306 ↗ 1318 +121st Arolen 1200 ↗ 1216 +161st ParadoX 1187 ↗ 1204 +171st inderjeetmusic 1222 ↗ 1237 +152nd Jinx 1240 ↘ 1223 -172nd kaboom3488 1255 ↘ 1238 -172nd Fr3w / PÒLICIÅ 1237 ↘ 1220 -172nd Swiggy 1133 ↘ 1121 -122nd ButtersStotch 1174 ↘ 1160 -14
- 1st Stroker Singh 1148 ↗ 1166 +181st epizeuxius 1295 ↗ 1306 +111st Jinx 1226 ↗ 1240 +141st ButtersStotch 1157 ↗ 1174 +171st OneTallMan 1294 ↗ 1305 +112nd IML 1166 ↘ 1153 -132nd Shiny 1237 ↘ 1220 -172nd DEMON :D 1154 ↘ 1141 -132nd Swiggy 1146 ↘ 1133 -132nd The New Shubzz is sooo cool 1229 ↘ 1213 -16
- 1st epizeuxius 1282 ↗ 1295 +131st kaboom3488 1240 ↗ 1255 +151st Fr3w / PÒLICIÅ 1222 ↗ 1237 +151st Swiggy 1126 ↗ 1146 +201st ButtersStotch 1138 ↗ 1157 +192nd Stroker Singh 1162 ↘ 1148 -142nd Jinx 1244 ↘ 1226 -182nd (L)AW 1305 ↘ 1284 -212nd rushi.dd1 1083 ↘ 1072 -112nd The New Shubzz is sooo cool 1247 ↘ 1229 -18
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- 1st hAz3 1170 ↗ 1188 +181st epizeuxius 1269 ↗ 1282 +131st kaboom3488 1225 ↗ 1240 +151st Postmodernist 1246 ↗ 1260 +141st inderjeetmusic 1206 ↗ 1222 +162nd Shockwave 1183 ↘ 1169 -142nd DEMON :D 1168 ↘ 1154 -142nd Swiggy 1138 ↘ 1126 -122nd Seeker 1239 ↘ 1222 -172nd OneTallMan 1314 ↘ 1294 -20
- 1st IML 1147 ↗ 1166 +191st adk 1190 ↗ 1207 +171st Jinx 1229 ↗ 1244 +151st kaboom3488 1209 ↗ 1225 +161st SOUL 1168 ↗ 1186 +182nd Linus 1218 ↘ 1201 -172nd Shockwave 1200 ↘ 1183 -172nd Swiggy 1152 ↘ 1138 -142nd Seeker 1258 ↘ 1239 -192nd inderjeetmusic 1224 ↘ 1206 -18
- 1st adk 1174 ↗ 1190 +161st kaboom3488 1193 ↗ 1209 +161st Seeker 1245 ↗ 1258 +131st SOUL 1151 ↗ 1168 +171st inderjeetmusic 1209 ↗ 1224 +152nd IML 1161 ↘ 1147 -142nd Sheesh 1167 ↘ 1152 -152nd (L)AW 1327 ↘ 1305 -222nd rushi.dd1 1095 ↘ 1083 -122nd Swiggy 1167 ↘ 1152 -15
- 1st Mero- 1200 ↗ 1217 +171st Linus 1201 ↗ 1218 +171st epizeuxius 1255 ↗ 1269 +141st RagnaR 1220 ↗ 1236 +161st OneTallMan 1302 ↗ 1314 +122nd Shiny 1254 ↘ 1237 -172nd Jinx 1245 ↘ 1229 -162nd Postmodernist 1263 ↘ 1246 -172nd DEMON :D 1182 ↘ 1168 -142nd ButtersStotch 1150 ↘ 1138 -12
- 1st adk 1157 ↗ 1174 +171st epizeuxius 1242 ↗ 1255 +131st kaboom3488 1177 ↗ 1193 +161st ButtersStotch 1132 ↗ 1150 +181st vishalsinghk 1200 ↗ 1215 +152nd Sheesh 1183 ↘ 1167 -162nd ParadoX 1204 ↘ 1187 -172nd rushi.dd1 1108 ↘ 1095 -132nd DEMON :D 1199 ↘ 1182 -172nd SOUL 1166 ↘ 1151 -15
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