Jailbird Competitive League
Match History
- 1st juqqin 1191 ↗ 1207 +162nd CwnTsu 1244 ↗ 1249 +53rd zRp 1184 ↘ 1179 -54th kalas666 1180 ↘ 1164 -16
- 1st x1ko 1209 ↗ 1225 +162nd Cwntsu 1239 ↗ 1244 +53rd 1200 ↘ 1195 -54th zRp 1200 ↘ 1184 -16
- 1st da_boiiiXD 1210 ↗ 1220 +101st fye 1209 ↗ 1219 +101st Cwntsu 1229 ↗ 1239 +104th kalas666 1190 ↘ 1180 -104th Riinn 1209 ↘ 1199 -104th 1210 ↘ 1200 -10
- 1st Cwntsu 1219 ↗ 1229 +101st King 1191 ↗ 1201 +101st 1200 ↗ 1210 +104th BansTriumph 1200 ↘ 1190 -104th kalas666 1200 ↘ 1190 -104th ! CHES_PR1ME ! 1200 ↘ 1190 -10
- 1st fye 1200 ↗ 1209 +91st greenknight 1200 ↗ 1209 +91st Riinn 1200 ↗ 1209 +91st x1ko 1200 ↗ 1209 +95th Astral 1215 ↘ 1206 -95th juqqin 1200 ↘ 1191 -95th kunai 1200 ↘ 1191 -95th lil 🥷 1191 ↘ 1182 -9
- 1st Cwntsu 1210 ↗ 1219 +91st Astral 1206 ↗ 1215 +91st Flix 1191 ↗ 1201 +104th King 1200 ↘ 1191 -94th ★ 1200 ↘ 1191 -94th Cloudtamer 1210 ↘ 1200 -10
- 1st Cwntsu 1200 ↗ 1210 +101st Cloudtamer 1200 ↗ 1210 +101st da_boiiiXD 1200 ↗ 1210 +104th Astral 1216 ↘ 1206 -104th lil 🥷 1200 ↘ 1191 -94th Flix 1200 ↘ 1191 -9
- 1st Astral 1200 ↗ 1216 +162nd Nini 1200 ↘ 1184 -16
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