Settings for eleven
Configure server wide settings through the /config_leaderboard command in Discord. Manage Elo ratings, leaderboards, versus modes, and match logging. Customize factors affecting rating changes and player rankings.
- Default Rating: 0
The initial Elo rating assigned to new players when they join the system
- Invite Link: https://discord.gg/Fxbga7MB7f
Custom invitation link for joining the rating system or community
- Display Leaderboard: Not Set
The display name of the leaderboard
- Display Rating Type: Not Set
The rating system shown by default. All rating types remain calculated regardless of this setting
- Display Versus Type: Not Set
The versus mode shown by default. All versus types remain calculated regardless of this setting
- K Factor: 124
Determines how much ratings change after each match. Higher values mean larger rating changes
- Rating Difference Scale: 400
Controls how rating differences between players affect expected win probabilities
- Rating Multiplier Scale: 90
Scaling factor applied to rating changes to adjust the magnitude of rating updates
- Audit Channel: 1274821027104428077
Channel where rating changes, matches, and system modifications are logged for transparency
- Dampen Elo Loss: 33
Reduces the rating points lost by players to minimize severe rating drops
- Max Advantage: 1500
Maximum rating difference considered when calculating match outcomes to prevent extreme advantages
- Normalize Elo delta: disabled
Adjusts rating changes to maintain a balanced distribution of ratings across the player base
- Matches Until Ranked: 1
Number of matches a player must complete before receiving an official ranking
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