
Chicuelos Chimuelos en Fondo de Bikini


Match History

  1. 1st juanmanuel310 608 ↗ 657 +49
    2nd Danny 692 ↘ 664 -28
    2nd Didisinow 469 ↘ 448 -21
  2. 1st juanmanuel310 581 ↗ 608 +27
    1st Didisinow 437 ↗ 469 +32
    3rd Danny 751 ↘ 692 -59
  3. 1st Didisinow 379 ↗ 424 +45
    2nd juanmanuel310 601 ↘ 581 -20
    2nd Danny 776 ↘ 751 -25
  4. 1st Danny 760 ↗ 776 +16
    1st juanmanuel310 581 ↗ 601 +20
    3rd Didisinow 415 ↘ 379 -36
  5. 1st Danny 723 ↗ 760 +37
    2nd Didisinow 431 ↘ 415 -16
    2nd juanmanuel310 601 ↘ 581 -20
  6. 1st juanmanuel310 560 ↗ 601 +41
    2nd Danny 747 ↘ 723 -24
    2nd Didisinow 448 ↘ 431 -17
  7. 1st Danny 712 ↗ 747 +35
    2nd AlessoNovak 397 ↗ 400 +3
    3rd Dani Tsukino 404 ↘ 367 -37
  8. 1st Danny 676 ↗ 712 +36
    2nd AlessoNovak 394 ↗ 397 +3
    3rd Dani Tsukino 442 ↘ 404 -38
  9. 1st Danny 658 ↗ 676 +18
    2nd Dani Tsukino 460 ↘ 442 -18
  10. 1st Danny 615 ↗ 658 +43
    2nd Dani Tsukino 457 ↗ 460 +3
    3rd juanmanuel310 606 ↘ 560 -46
  11. 1st Danny 570 ↗ 615 +45
    2nd juanmanuel310 607 ↘ 606 -1
    3rd Dani Tsukino 500 ↘ 457 -43
  12. 1st Danny 525 ↗ 570 +45
    2nd juanmanuel310 609 ↘ 607 -2
    3rd AlessoNovak 437 ↘ 394 -43
  13. 1st juanmanuel310 565 ↗ 609 +44
    2nd Danny 525 ➡ 525 0
    3rd AlessoNovak 481 ↘ 437 -44
  14. 1st Danny 479 ↗ 525 +46
    2nd juanmanuel310 566 ↘ 565 -1
    3rd AlessoNovak 526 ↘ 481 -45

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