New Beginnings
Match History
- 1st Squirmer President 1268 ↗ 1281 +132nd Justin (fortnitegamer6969) 1200 ↘ 1187 -13
- 1st Squirmer President 1255 ↗ 1268 +132nd Eric P. 1199 ↘ 1186 -13
- 1st Squirmer President 1241 ↗ 1255 +142nd Mr.Robot 1200 ↘ 1186 -14
- 1st DNTDNT 1200 ↗ 1219 +192nd Squirmer President 1260 ↘ 1241 -19
- 1st Squirmer President 1247 ↗ 1260 +132nd Daniel (Dinos) 1185 ↘ 1172 -13
- 1st Voidgrub Kevin 1200 ↗ 1217 +172nd Atil 1216 ↘ 1199 -17
- 1st Absolute Zero 1200 ↗ 1215 +152nd Katica | Pastry Enthusiast 1183 ↘ 1168 -15
- 1st THE INQUISITION HAS STARTED 1184 ↗ 1201 +172nd Katica | Pastry Enthusiast 1200 ↘ 1183 -17
- 1st Atil 1200 ↗ 1216 +162nd Voidgrub Kevin 1200 ↘ 1184 -16
- 1st Squirmer President 1232 ↗ 1247 +152nd Daniel (Dinos) 1200 ↘ 1185 -15
- 1st Squirmer President 1217 ↗ 1232 +152nd Big_Chino94 1200 ↘ 1185 -15
- 1st Squirmer President 1200 ↗ 1217 +172nd Eric P. 1216 ↘ 1199 -17
- 1st Eric P. 1200 ↗ 1216 +162nd THE INQUISITION HAS STARTED 1200 ↘ 1184 -16
- 1st Eric P. 1200 ➡ 1200 01st THE INQUISITION HAS STARTED 1200 ➡ 1200 0
- 1st Atil 1216 ↗ 1231 +152nd aral 1184 ↘ 1169 -15
- 1st Atil 1200 ↗ 1216 +162nd aral 1200 ↘ 1184 -16
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