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Hw2 Boiz

Hw2 Boiz

Tiers for 1v1 Player Ratings

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X Tier acquired with a rating of 10000
SS Tier acquired with a rating of 9000
S+ Tier acquired with a rating of 8250
S Tier acquired with a rating of 7500
S- Tier acquired with a rating of 6750
A+ Tier acquired with a rating of 6000
A Tier acquired with a rating of 5250
A- Tier acquired with a rating of 4500
B+ Tier acquired with a rating of 4000
B Tier acquired with a rating of 3500
B- Tier acquired with a rating of 3000
C+ Tier acquired with a rating of 2500
C Tier acquired with a rating of 2000
C- Tier acquired with a rating of 1500
D+ Tier acquired with a rating of 1250
D Tier acquired with a rating of 1000
D- Tier acquired with a rating of 750
F+ Tier acquired with a rating of 500
F tier acquired with a rating of 250
F- Tier acquired with a rating of 0

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