NSS Golf Community
Season 6
Match History
- 1st Duncan1314 2280 ↗ 2305 +252nd major_tom 2118 ↗ 2144 +263rd Yoyo_nice:) 2318 ↘ 2314 -44th Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2202 ↘ 2197 -55th beem42 || 17 shots no 38 2240 ↘ 2228 -12
- 1st beem42 || 17 shots no 38 2223 ↗ 2240 +172nd Yoyo_nice:) 2323 ↘ 2318 -52nd Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2203 ↘ 2202 -14th Floractic 1212 ↘ 1211 -1
- 1st stinky 2183 ↗ 2218 +352nd GNIK FL♾G 2149 ↗ 2173 +243rd beem42 || 17 shots no 38 2221 ↗ 2223 +24th Duncan1314 2288 ↘ 2280 -85th Yoyo_nice:) 2339 ↘ 2323 -16
- 1st Yoyo_nice:) 2316 ↗ 2339 +232nd Duncan1314 2290 ↘ 2288 -22nd GNIK FL♾G 2138 ↗ 2149 +112nd Leah/Valoria ✨💫 1564 ↗ 1602 +385th beem42 || 17 shots no 38 2232 ↘ 2221 -116th stinky 2199 ↘ 2183 -16
- 1st beem42 || 17 shots no 38 2206 ↗ 2232 +262nd Yoyo_nice:) 2313 ↗ 2316 +33rd major_tom 2115 ↗ 2118 +34th Duncan1314 2304 ↘ 2290 -144th Leah/Valoria ✨💫 1562 ↗ 1564 +2
- 1st The online bot 2313 ➡ 2313 02nd Floractic 1205 ↗ 1212 +73rd Sliver 1193 ↘ 1190 -3
- 1st Floractic 1198 ↗ 1205 +72nd Sliver 1196 ↘ 1193 -3
- 1st isuc || ViolA 2522 ➡ 2522 02nd *<0>* || Nobbbb:) 1187 ➡ 1187 0
- 1st Bob Ross 2314 ↗ 2324 +102nd willski 1839 ↗ 1864 +253rd beem42 2214 ↘ 2206 -83rd major_tom 2121 ↘ 2115 -6
- 1st beem42 2196 ↗ 2214 +182nd willski 1820 ↗ 1839 +192nd Bob Ross 2319 ↘ 2314 -54th major_tom 2130 ↘ 2121 -95th JEFF 1173 ↘ 1172 -1
- 1st major_tom 2120 ↗ 2130 +102nd TheRealCBTV 2194 ↘ 2190 -43rd JEFF 1174 ↘ 1173 -1
- 1st Hunter 2491 ↗ 2503 +122nd major_tom 2084 ↗ 2120 +363rd Ap13 1983 ↗ 2005 +223rd MikeHawk 2210 ➡ 2210 05th TheRealCBTV 2202 ↘ 2194 -86th Yoyo_nice:) 2333 ↘ 2313 -20
- 1st Hunter 2478 ↗ 2491 +132nd MikeHawk 2194 ↗ 2210 +162nd Ap13 1946 ↗ 1983 +374th Noptotch1s 1953 ↗ 1967 +145th Yoyo_nice:) 2348 ↘ 2333 -156th Adz 2266 ↘ 2248 -18
- 1st Hunter 2461 ↗ 2478 +172nd Yoyo_nice:) 2334 ↗ 2348 +143rd MikeHawk 2183 ↗ 2194 +113rd Zeddicus 1989 ↗ 2025 +365th Noptotch1s 1933 ↗ 1953 +206th major_tom 2090 ↘ 2084 -67th Ap13 1951 ↘ 1946 -58th Adz 2295 ↘ 2266 -29
- 1st Hunter 2442 ↗ 2461 +192nd Noptotch1s 1896 ↗ 1933 +372nd Adz 2300 ↘ 2295 -52nd Zeddicus 1958 ↗ 1989 +312nd Ap13 1916 ↗ 1951 +352nd MikeHawk 2180 ↗ 2183 +37th Yoyo_nice:) 2359 ↘ 2334 -258th major_tom 2109 ↘ 2090 -19
- 1st Hunter 2424 ↗ 2442 +182nd Yoyo_nice:) 2350 ↗ 2359 +93rd Adz 2307 ↘ 2300 -73rd MikeHawk 2182 ↘ 2180 -23rd Ap13 1891 ↗ 1916 +256th Noptotch1s 1901 ↘ 1896 -56th Zeddicus 1965 ↘ 1958 -7
- 1st Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2190 ↗ 2203 +132nd MikeHawk 2182 ➡ 2182 03rd 𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓝𝓸𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 || -3 𝓟𝓑 1983 ↘ 1982 -14th Noptotch1s 1905 ↘ 1901 -4
- 1st Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2182 ↗ 2190 +82nd 𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓝𝓸𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 || -3 𝓟𝓑 1985 ↘ 1983 -22nd Noptotch1s 1904 ↗ 1905 +14th 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓭 1401 ↘ 1399 -2
- 1st Kaizo is alive 1880 ↗ 1898 +182nd 𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓝𝓸𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓮 || -3 𝓟𝓑 1987 ↘ 1985 -23rd Noptotch1s 1910 ↘ 1904 -6
- 1st Yoyo_nice:) 2343 ↗ 2350 +72nd Noptotch1s 1899 ↗ 1910 +112nd Kaizo is alive 1867 ↗ 1880 +134th Icy 2099 ↘ 2086 -134th 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓭 1399 ↗ 1401 +2
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- 1st Icy 2091 ↗ 2099 +82nd Noptotch1s 1894 ↗ 1899 +53rd Kaizo is alive 1870 ↘ 1867 -34th Char || Simulation? 1546 ↘ 1544 -2
- 1st Noptotch1s 1874 ↗ 1894 +202nd GNIK FL♾G 2142 ↘ 2138 -43rd Kaizo is alive 1874 ↘ 1870 -4
- 1st Adz 2291 ↗ 2307 +162nd GNIK FL♾G 2126 ↗ 2142 +163rd Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2187 ↘ 2182 -53rd Kaizo is alive 1858 ↗ 1874 +165th Icy 2102 ↘ 2091 -116th Char || Simulation? 1549 ↘ 1546 -3
- 1st Adz 2277 ↗ 2291 +142nd GNIK FL♾G 2122 ↗ 2126 +42nd Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2188 ↘ 2187 -14th oatesy05 2075 ↘ 2069 -6
- 1st Tonytiger112🐯/Mr 🦀 2172 ↗ 2188 +162nd Adz 2279 ↘ 2277 -23rd GNIK FL♾G 2126 ↘ 2122 -4
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