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Waifu Hideout


Match History

  1. 1st Jenna ortega Lover 5194 ↗ 5224 +30
    2nd Tenacity 4796 ↗ 4844 +48
    3rd goodguy1. 5012 ↘ 4935 -77
  2. 1st goodguy1. 5000 ↗ 5012 +12
    2nd Jenna ortega Lover 5203 ↘ 5194 -9
    3rd Tenacity 4798 ↘ 4796 -2
  3. 1st Jenna ortega Lover 5200 ↗ 5203 +3
    2nd goodguy1. 5000 ➡ 5000 0
    3rd Tenacity 4800 ↘ 4798 -2
  4. 1st Jenna ortega Lover 5000 ↗ 5200 +200
    2nd goodguy1. 5000 ➡ 5000 0
    3rd Tenacity 5000 ↘ 4800 -200

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