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Mario Golf: Super Rush


Match History

  1. 1st Derty69 🀑 1580 β†— 1584 +4
    2nd Suzannetoad 1083 β†— 1087 +4
    3rd Truman 907 β†˜ 900 -7
  2. 1st Derty69 🀑 1572 β†— 1580 +8
    2nd KnucklePuck 1433 β†˜ 1429 -4
    3rd Suzannetoad 1087 β†˜ 1083 -4
  3. 1st Derty69 🀑 1559 β†— 1572 +13
    2nd KnucklePuck 1441 β†˜ 1433 -8
    2nd mastahjedikush 1322 β†— 1325 +3
    4th Suzannetoad 1095 β†˜ 1087 -8
  4. 1st Henry96 1528 β†— 1540 +12
    2nd Shadow_Mario98 1339 β†— 1346 +7
    3rd mastahjedikush 1335 β†˜ 1322 -13
    4th XxSaintzxX 902 β†˜ 897 -5
  5. 1st Henry96 1515 β†— 1528 +13
    2nd Shadow_Mario98 1332 β†— 1339 +7
    3rd mastahjedikush 1349 β†˜ 1335 -14
    4th XxSaintzxX 907 β†˜ 902 -5
  6. 1st Shadow_Mario98 1303 β†— 1332 +29
    2nd Henry96 1534 β†˜ 1515 -19
    2nd mastahjedikush 1354 β†˜ 1349 -5
    4th XxSaintzxX 913 β†˜ 907 -6
  7. 1st Henry96 1524 β†— 1534 +10
    2nd norah (she/her) 1470 β†˜ 1463 -7
    3rd XxSaintzxX 917 β†˜ 913 -4
  8. 1st norah (she/her) 1456 β†— 1470 +14
    2nd Henry96 1534 β†˜ 1524 -10
    3rd XxSaintzxX 921 β†˜ 917 -4
  9. 1st GarbageGamer9000 1289 β†— 1310 +21
    2nd Henry96 1547 β†˜ 1534 -13
    3rd MadameGarbo(GB) 897 β†— 904 +7
    4th XxSaintzxX 936 β†˜ 921 -15
  10. 1st Henry96 1540 β†— 1547 +7
    2nd GarbageGamer9000 1288 β†— 1289 +1
    3rd XxSaintzxX 931 β†— 936 +5
    4th MadameGarbo(GB) 910 β†˜ 897 -13
  11. 1st Henry96 1532 β†— 1540 +8
    2nd GarbageGamer9000 1288 ➑ 1288 0
    3rd MadameGarbo(GB) 902 β†— 910 +8
    4th XxSaintzxX 947 β†˜ 931 -16
  12. 1st Henry96 1530 β†— 1532 +2
    2nd XxSaintzxX 949 β†˜ 947 -2
  13. 1st Henry96 1528 β†— 1530 +2
    2nd XxSaintzxX 951 β†˜ 949 -2
  14. 1st Henry96 1526 β†— 1528 +2
    2nd XxSaintzxX 953 β†˜ 951 -2
  15. 1st Derty69 🀑 1549 β†— 1559 +10
    2nd mastahjedikush 1359 β†˜ 1354 -5
    2nd YoGee 1240 β†— 1247 +7
    4th Suzannetoad 1107 β†˜ 1095 -12
  16. 1st Derty69 🀑 1544 β†— 1549 +5
    2nd YoGee 1236 β†— 1240 +4
    3rd Suzannetoad 1115 β†˜ 1107 -8
  17. 1st Me, Ed 1660 β†˜ 1654 -6
    1st wooly/zetite 1250 β†— 1261 +11
    3rd XxSaintzxX 958 β†˜ 953 -5
  18. 1st Henry96 1517 β†— 1526 +9
    2nd norah (she/her) 1465 β†˜ 1456 -9
  19. 1st norah (she/her) 1463 β†— 1465 +2
    1st Henry96 1519 β†˜ 1517 -2
  20. 1st Leo/Tog 1480 β†— 1491 +11
    1st Henry96 1511 β†— 1519 +8
    3rd norah (she/her) 1482 β†˜ 1463 -19
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  22. 1st norah (she/her) 1470 β†— 1482 +12
    2nd Henry96 1523 β†˜ 1511 -12
  23. 1st Leo/Tog 1468 β†— 1480 +12
    2nd Henry96 1535 β†˜ 1523 -12
  24. 1st norah (she/her) 1450 β†— 1470 +20
    2nd Henry96 1543 β†˜ 1535 -8
    3rd YoGee 1236 ➑ 1236 0
    4th Suzannetoad 1126 β†˜ 1115 -11
  25. 1st norah (she/her) 1440 β†— 1450 +10
    2nd YoGee 1226 β†— 1236 +10
    3rd Suzannetoad 1125 β†— 1126 +1
    4th Witty 1149 β†˜ 1127 -22
  26. 1st YoGee 1192 β†— 1226 +34
    2nd norah (she/her) 1450 β†˜ 1440 -10
    3rd Suzannetoad 1124 β†— 1125 +1
    4th Witty 1173 β†˜ 1149 -24
  27. 1st golfereddie 1233 β†— 1242 +9
    2nd Suzannetoad 1129 β†˜ 1124 -5
    3rd AZtech9 797 β†˜ 793 -4
  28. 1st thejujubeast 1676 β†— 1678 +2
    2nd graveyard 1080 β†˜ 1078 -2
  29. 1st golfereddie 1223 β†— 1233 +10
    2nd Suzannetoad 1132 β†˜ 1129 -3
    3rd Truman 914 β†˜ 907 -7
  30. 1st golfereddie 1212 β†— 1223 +11
    2nd Suzannetoad 1135 β†˜ 1132 -3
    3rd Truman 922 β†˜ 914 -8
  31. 1st Suzannetoad 1120 β†— 1135 +15
    2nd Truman 911 β†— 922 +11
    3rd Vol10fan 1144 β†˜ 1117 -27
  32. 1st Derty69 🀑 1525 β†— 1544 +19
    2nd Henry96 1546 β†˜ 1543 -3
    3rd Suzannetoad 1117 β†— 1120 +3
    3rd CavalierStew 1386 β†˜ 1368 -18
  33. 1st Henry96 1528 β†— 1546 +18
    2nd Derty69 🀑 1527 β†˜ 1525 -2
    3rd CavalierStew 1395 β†˜ 1386 -9
    4th Suzannetoad 1124 β†˜ 1117 -7
  34. 1st Henry96 1516 β†— 1528 +12
    2nd norah (she/her) 1454 β†˜ 1450 -4
    3rd Suzannetoad 1121 β†— 1124 +3
    4th NBH 1019 β†˜ 1008 -11
  35. 1st Me, Ed 1657 β†— 1660 +3
    2nd mastahjedikush 1362 β†˜ 1359 -3
  36. 1st Me, Ed 1664 β†˜ 1657 -7
    1st mastahjedikush 1355 β†— 1362 +7
  37. 1st Goldy 1457 β†— 1464 +7
    2nd mastahjedikush 1362 β†˜ 1355 -7
  38. 1st mastahjedikush 1349 β†— 1362 +13
    2nd Goldy 1470 β†˜ 1457 -13
  39. 1st Suzannetoad 1103 β†— 1121 +18
    2nd Goldy 1488 β†˜ 1470 -18
  40. 1st El Balay 1480 β†— 1502 +22
    2nd KnucklePuck 1446 β†˜ 1441 -5
    2nd Henry96 1528 β†˜ 1516 -12
    4th Bohemian 1021 β†˜ 1016 -5
  41. 1st Peels 1359 β†— 1390 +31
    2nd Henry96 1543 β†˜ 1528 -15
    2nd El Balay 1490 β†˜ 1480 -10
    4th Bohemian 1027 β†˜ 1021 -6
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  43. 1st Peels 1329 β†— 1359 +30
    2nd Henry96 1562 β†˜ 1543 -19
    2nd norah (she/her) 1465 β†˜ 1454 -11
  44. 1st thejujubeast 1665 β†— 1676 +11
    2nd Henry96 1565 β†˜ 1562 -3
    3rd LC 1127 β†— 1136 +9
    4th YoGee 1208 β†˜ 1192 -16
  45. 1st thejujubeast 1656 β†— 1665 +9
    2nd Henry96 1570 β†˜ 1565 -5
    3rd YoGee 1212 β†˜ 1208 -4
  46. 1st thejujubeast 1650 β†— 1656 +6
    2nd El Balay 1496 β†˜ 1490 -6
  47. 1st Henry96 1560 β†— 1570 +10
    2nd norah (she/her) 1469 β†˜ 1465 -4
    3rd YoGee 1218 β†˜ 1212 -6
  48. 1st thejujubeast 1644 β†— 1650 +6
    2nd El Balay 1502 β†˜ 1496 -6
  49. 1st norah (she/her) 1458 β†— 1469 +11
    1st Henry96 1558 β†— 1560 +2
    3rd YoGee 1214 β†— 1218 +4
    4th Ady 1225 β†˜ 1208 -17
  50. 1st Henry96 1544 β†— 1558 +14
    2nd Ady 1200 β†— 1225 +25
    3rd YoGee 1210 β†— 1214 +4
    4th norah (she/her) 1501 β†˜ 1458 -43
  51. 1st El Balay 1492 β†— 1502 +10
    2nd Goldy 1498 β†˜ 1488 -10
  52. 1st Goldy 1488 β†— 1498 +10
    1st El Balay 1482 β†— 1492 +10
    3rd Leo/Tog 1488 β†˜ 1468 -20

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