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Match History

  1. 1st souzouker (not M4NNY) 1007 ↗ 1023 +16
    2nd AlmightyMagic 1036 ↗ 1047 +11
    3rd bilgobaggings 1013 ↗ 1021 +8
    4th Outlaaz 2.0 1004 ↗ 1009 +5
    5th Vilsu 1017 ↗ 1018 +1
    6th Libra 1000 ↘ 998 -2
    7th Blitz 993 ↘ 988 -5
    8th ⎍⋏⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒⎅ ⏃⌰⟟⟒⋏ 999 ↘ 990 -9
    9th sccsa 989 ↘ 977 -12
    10th MR CAT 969 ↘ 955 -14
  2. 1st AlmightyMagic 1021 ↗ 1036 +15
    2nd ⎍⋏⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒⎅ ⏃⌰⟟⟒⋏ 987 ↗ 999 +12
    3rd Vilsu 1010 ↗ 1017 +7
    4th Outlaaz 2.0 1002 ↗ 1004 +2
    5th bilgobaggings 1016 ↘ 1013 -3
    6th Blitz 1000 ↘ 993 -7
    7th sccsa 1000 ↘ 989 -11
    8th null 993 ↘ 978 -15
  3. 1st bilgobaggings 1000 ↗ 1016 +16
    2nd AlmightyMagic 1011 ↗ 1021 +10
    3rd metser 1000 ↗ 1005 +5
    4th null 993 ➡ 993 0
    5th Vilsu 1016 ↘ 1010 -6
    6th ⎍⋏⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒⎅ ⏃⌰⟟⟒⋏ 998 ↘ 987 -11
    7th MR CAT 984 ↘ 969 -15
  4. 1st Vilsu 1000 ↗ 1016 +16
    2nd AlmightyMagic 1000 ↗ 1011 +11
    3rd souzouker (not M4NNY) 1000 ↗ 1007 +7
    4th Outlaaz 2.0 1000 ↗ 1002 +2
    5th ⎍⋏⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒⎅ ⏃⌰⟟⟒⋏ 1000 ↘ 998 -2
    6th null 1000 ↘ 993 -7
    7th Saint Harvel 🇻🇦 1000 ↘ 989 -11
    8th MR CAT 1000 ↘ 984 -16

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